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MOBI: 978-1-913892-21-0
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The first early reviews are in from satisfied readers, I’m very pleased to say.
The Middle Shelf – followed by a Q&A with mild spoilers, consider yourselves warned…
Jacey Bedford – do look up her books as well
What’s that you say? Didn’t I mention the bonus short story earlier? Well, having decided to keep Dan’s adventures in the same timeline as the rest of us, I had some fairly major questions about what months of shut-down would mean for Blithehurst, the stately home where he works. I soon had some entertaining answers, but there was no place for that particular thread in the story Dan has to tell here. But I was pretty sure established readers would be wondering the same things as me, so I decided to let Eleanor explain that ‘Luck Is Where You Find It’.

Looking forward to the new novel!
By the way, is there any Philocles news?
I owe you a grovelling apology. I should have replied to you long since. The reason I kept ducking this particular question is saying there are no current plans for a new Philocles book would make that real… The current sales simply don’t make a new one a worthwhile use of time for anyone involved. Oh, the people who’ve read these books love them – but as things stand, there are not enough readers. It’s … dispiriting. Will this change? Well, at least in this ebook era, there’s always some hope. If enough people recommend the three existing novels to their friends, and sales tick up, we shall see what we shall see. In the meantime, happy reading elsewhere.
Sorry to hear that.