Hurrah! With huge, huge thanks to Cheryl Morgan, Wizard’s Tower Press and indefatigable fan Michele, the ebook edition of Southern Fire is now available.
As of today, it’s listed for sale on Google and Kobo and instructions are currently wending their way through whatever arcane processes are required before the book appears on Kindle and Nook – that should take a day or so. You can check current availability via Wizard’s Tower here.
With the fabulous new artwork by Ben Baldwin. (Click to see the full size version)

Artwork by Ben Baldwin
And yes, work is ongoing to get Northern Storm to you next month, followed by Western Shore and Eastern Tide. And trust me, you’re going to love the new covers for those too!
That is a shiny cover!
Isn’t it just? I am thrilled with it – and really having to restrain myself from posting all four at once ☺