Er, excuse me, you may very well ask? Well, as social media becomes ever more fragmented and fractious, a blog is still one space that an author can use to maintain contact with readers. So I’m going to make more of an effort to post more day to day stuff on here. I’m still on Facebook, and you can find me on Mastodon as well now. I’m still on Twitter for the moment, and we see what happens over there, though frankly, I’m not optimistic.
So anyway, replacing the kitchen fridge means taking the souvenir magnets off the old one. Yesterday turned into an interesting retrospective on the various styles and designs used by the National Trust and English Heritage over the years, as well as prompting enjoyable recollections of family holidays and other travels.
The question now becomes, what do I do with them once the new fridge is in place? Replace them chronologically, as far as I can recall? Or should I group them by category, which at first glance would seem to be castles, stately homes, militaria, aquaria, zoos, miscellaneous? I shall give this some thought over the weekend.
We have them on the bread bin and the microwave as well. It’s very nice to look at them while I’m waiting for the kettle to boil and think ‘yes, that was a lovely day.’ If I’m not emptying the dishwasher or assessing the cupboards for the week’s shopping list, as one does.